Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Large Camera - Assignment #1 - Urban Anthropology

     Taking Large Camera this semester has modified my perspective on photography as a whole.
     I had met someone once who told me, "I don't like to shoot film. Professionals do not use film." However, that is the opposite of what I have found. A lot of professionals use film and a lot of them use 4x5 or 8x10 sheet film.
     After taking photo classes that involve faster shooting (35mm & digital), I was definitely terrified of using a large format camera for the first time. I heard from many of my peers that they loved it, but I only kept thinking about the time it would take to shoot.
     However, after being assigned our first project, I immediately fell in love with 4x5 film and large format shooting.
     Our first assignment was named "Urban Anthropology" in which we had to find different subjects that we believe will change in the next 20 - 50 years. After weeks of thinking over this project, I came to find that in Austin we have the Austin Seaholm Power Plant. This plant was built in the 1950s and currently is going through a "renovation" plan in which they will build condominiums behind it. (More info here)